Della Divina,The World of the Great Divine Mother

A Brief Theological Treatise On Creation
Medium Map
Small Map
UK of Kethol
Tarabethian Islands
Empire of Get
Tar Mountains
Parkik Tribes
The Womb
Desolation of Lister
The Afterlife
World's Creation
Joining Up
The Rules


-By Mother Ella, Cardinal of the Holy Womb, by appointment from Her Holy, Divine Pureness, Esmarelda Odella Brianna Blackfler, Queen Mother of all the Children of Odella and Sovereign of the Lands of Odella's Creation
In setting about to write a treatise on creation, it must be recognized that the author does not intend to supercede Holy Scripture.  This treatise is merely a humble attempt to relate the events contained in the scriptures in such a way that the true meaning of their words would reach into the hearts of our children and cause them to have some affection for The Divine Mother.
Often we have been persecuted, and ostracized by foreigners for our reverence for Odella.  They claim that we neglect the true worship of The Mother and instead elevate her daughter Odella above her.  Wars have been fought and people have died over this principle.
I believe that we must take an honest appraisal of our hearts.  We give great honor and worship to our goddess and do not speak ill of her Mother.  Is this enough?  If a child were to realize that her mother's mother had violate her very being, and yet that mother was forgiving and even would offer the kiss of peace, would this child also not be willing to do the same?  There was enough received by the mother from her mother that she still would give forth affection, despite her hurts.
Did our goddess ever curse her Mother?  Did she ever spur her people away from giving decent and solemn prayer to The Mother?  No.  She encouraged her children to be respectful and reverent, even when The Mother wished them destroyed.  Instead of rebelling again her mother and raising an arm against her in anger to demanding justice, our goddess lay down her very life for us.
Therefore, I say that we must do the same.  We must recognize the debt that we owe to our Creator and give her decent and serious worship at temple, even as our hearts long to sing songs of joy to the One Who Appeased for Us.
To that end, I write this treatise to remind our flock of the life and care given us by The Great Divine Mother, so that we may do what is right.
 In the beginning there were the goddesses.  Creation of many worlds sprang from their wombs. Each world was brought forth by the pain and labor of a goddess.  In the bearing of children, their daughters echo their pain and also their joy in creating.
No one knows, or can know, the nature of the father of these worlds.  How can we even beginning to comprehend his nature or existence, when we cannot even comprehend that of The Mother?  It is a mystery that we must accept, though human logic would have us take its measure.
When there was no world, The Mother took a lump of clay and formed a vessel, like a serving dish.  She chose the nature of the vessel and formed it with her two hands.  Into this vessel were poured all the fluids that were her life.  The vessel held the essence of The Mother.  From these fluids she formed all that is and was.  All the creation shouts out her origin in the waters of life of The Mother.
A womb was formed.  From this sacred womb, creation poured forth.  All that is or was or will be sprang from there.  Even now the womb still lies at the center of creation.
The Mother created the animals and the plants, the oceans and the mountains, the sun and the moon, the stars and wind that drives our sails, and men and women.  All this she created and loved.  Still, She wanted companionship.  None of these creations were worth. 
The Mother decided to create a race of servants that were closer to her essence; who had a spark of her creative power.  Five goddesses and five gods were born.  These divine being sprung from her womb in their full glory: Odella, Mendolin, Jasp'ta, Mala, Daria, Lister, Horris, Barkus, Peltan, and Brock.
She gave command of her creatures to these children, commanding them to mold them and make them worth servants, for her glory.  Each one was given charge over a part of her creations.  To aid them she also created a multitude of servant spirits and beings.
Men and women flourished under the care of the goddesses and gods.  They multiplied and started settlements.  They raised crops and herded sheep.  They showed a true capacity for love and for hate.
All was well until the youngest of the gods and goddesses, Lister, made a fateful decision.  He decided that all that separated him from equal status and nature with The Mother was her power of creation.  He himself held some of this power, but it was not absolute, like his Mother.  Not merely content to mold and shape his charges, he pushed his worshipers to lend him the prayers and praises that would give him the strength for his task.  He sought to tap into and control power such as his Mother possessed, convinced that he was as wise as her.
The children of Lister, commonly called The Cursed Ones in the common vernacular or the Lissen to be proper, sought to take for Lister a power that was not his to take.  Not only was he not wish enough, as if anyone except The Mother could be, but he also did not have a womb from which that which is new could spring.  Still he persisted, obsessed with the thought of original creation.

His people manifested his directions and his power in their beings, seeking to be a conduit by which he could create. First he tried to create new animals.  After multiple attempts, all he could manage were bad distortions of animals that already were.  These horrid abominations still populate the wildernesses of The World.
Still not willing to admit his mistakes, Lister next tried to create new peoples.  From these failed experiment sprang the Trolgs and the Gobyns in turn.  The Trolgs were a big brutish race, barely human in appearance and intelligence, with the temperament of caged Badgers.
Though the Gobyns were actually a well-formed people, capable of love and wisdom, as well as hate and malice, they were not new but merely a careful breeding of the old.  If wolves be breed to protect sheep, instead of feasting on them, are they then a new animal?  No.  In the case in question though, it is like unto taking a sheepdog and creating a wolf.  The wolf may still be affectionate to her children and her mate, but she will kill the sheep without mercy.  Of the two distorted, abominable races Lister created, the Gobyns are the only ones that may possess souls.  It is hard to say if they are whole children of their twisted father, or if they remain children of The Mother.  Only She will be able to answer that, on the Day of Reckoning.
Lastly, Lister and his children tried to create beings of pure spirit.  This also failed, resulting in foul and dark spirits that hindered, rather than helped man.  From these two were created that were so terrible that the world weeps still over the moment of their shaping.  It is not right to speak their names, nor put them into writing.  They were a great and terrible distortion of the natural, gentle spirits that The Mother sent into The World to serve Her god and goddess children.
These two whispered lies to Lister and his children.  They told them The Mother had been deliberately aborting their attempts at creation, because she was jealous.  She did not want her children to see that they to could create wholly original creations.
Lister and his people rebelled against The Mother. They used the stillborn wretches that were their "creations" to enslave the races of humanity.  The Great War lasted many years and cost the lives of over half of humanity.
The Great Divine Mother loved Lister and was patient, but his open rebellion and destruction was too much.  She open up her womb and drew back into herself everyone tainted through the use of this false creation power.  From every direction, north, south, east and west, they were compelled to come to the Sacred Womb.  On ships and boats they came.  Over land to the sea and then on over the waters they came.  Those with no boat swam, and drowned.  Lister himself was drawn in.
The place where his people had lived she obliterated, killing everything that moved, drank or soaked in the light of the noonday sun.  To this day it is a desolate and barren land.  This was done so that the taint of false creation magic in the very rocks and trees would be destroyed.  The creatures she let be, pushing them all into small areas away from her children.  Though they were deformed, she did not blame them for having been created.  She knew that the false magic remained in them, but after so much death, she could not bring herself to take their lives.
The children of Lister, and the god himself, she intended to unmake.  She intended to absorb the fluids of their life, both physical and spiritual, back into herself, their very essence could be reused to make a new and holy people, free of evil.  The taint was too strong though.
As she drew Lister back into herself, his taint infected her as well.  With a cry of anguish, she felt her Divine Womb ruptured.  No more would new creation spring forth from it.  All The Mother could do now was reshape the creation that already was.  No new souls would be born.
Before this, She would have absorbed a being back into her fluids, soul and all, after it died.  The soul would have dwelt with her intact until the Day of Reckoning, when it would be judged.  Now she had to re-use the souls, or see her world empty of life.  She had to take each soul and shape a new form for it.  This is why we must suffer the pains of war, famine and death.  For each one that is born, one must die.  Death is not real.  Death is merely the hand of The Mother molding us into another shape for a time.  With each life, we have another chance to prove ourselves worthy to be judged righteous on the Day of Reckoning, so we can become one with The Mother for all eternity, rather than be obliterated.
Realizing she could not absorb anymore taint into herself, with further damage to the womb, she begged one of her divine sisters to take these people.  She pleaded and her sister did, pulling them out of this world and into her own.
Her sister rejoiced at receiving these people.  Though larger and more powerful than her sister, she lacked the finesse to create such intelligent, beautiful beings.  She worked hard to push the taint from them.
On her world these exiles created a shining city on an island in the sea and prospered.  Their taint drove them again to try and usurp the creation powers of the goddesses.  Malformed fiends and creatures were unleashed on this new world as well.
In her wrath, the sister goddess sank their shining city below the waves, never to be found again.  She was not as forgiving as her little sister and removed the very existence of these rebellious people, save two.  These two, a man and a woman, had the least taint of evil in them.
She suppressed their taint as best she could.  Despite her power, she did not have the fine touch for beauty her sister had.  In these two people, she saw her last chance to have a people of her own.  She was lonely and could not stand the though of killing them.
Nothing else is known of this other world, though legend speaks of beings from it that have come to The World from time to time.  Whether they are agents of chaos and evil is not know, but one would guess that they would be.
Our Divine Mother realized that the rupture was massive and would not heal. Left unchecked she would surely die and her creation would stop existing.  She could never again allow a taint to enter her world.  She commissioned her nine children to watch carefully over their people and to seek out corruption and false motives where they could.
The evil spirits and forces let behind could not be unmade or banished.  The Mother was too weak.  Since that time she has had to watch her creation suffer under the damage that was caused by the disease of misused creation power.  She fears that someday the taint will spread again and rip her womb apart.
In her pain and fear, she lashed out at Odella with a might anger over the minor transgression of sleeping with mortal men.  She demanded the death of all Odella's mortal children, so that they could be reborn as children of another goddess.  Odella, horrified at the thought of her own children dead lying around a bloody altar, threw herself on the altar and took their place.  When The Great Mother's hand reach down and smote, she thought she had killed them.  Odella's bodily fluids were enough to equal all theirs.  When The Mother realized what she had done, she wept and repented.
One can see the suffering that The Great Mother suffered.  We need to consider how She that was All Wise and All Compassionate was changed by this trauma to Her innermost being.  She no longer had the ability to think with compassion and wisdom toward her daughter Odella, due to her agony and bleeding.
How then can we not forgive her?  If a mother, in a moment of extreme agony and grief, were to hit a child, would they not forgive her?  The Mother realized her error and brought her daughter back to life as best she could, by taking what was left of her spirit and instilling it in Odella's oldest mortal daughter Ophelia.
Odella herself, through her queens, has asked us to forgive and once again bow our heads in honor to The Great Mother.  If we cannot love her with a warm and tender affection, as once we did, we can at least do what is right and offer her the kiss of peace and a bended knee.
I ask you then to consider the pain and anguish that drove The Mother too transgress against our sacred founder, the Goddess Odella.  Can we not forgive her, as a child forgives her mother?  When next you go to your temple, or church, offer up incense to she that formed you in her womb and then praise Odella, who saved you from destruction, with loud shouts and songs.
-Signed this Year of Our Pardon, 945, by the hand of Mother Ella, Cardinal of the Holy Womb