There are two major prevailing theories on The World as to the afterlife. One is held by the citizens
of Get and the other by most of the other people groups on The World. The Gobyns hold another view entirely, but it is not
a well know one. The tribal groups in Emdoor also have a distinct belief about the afterlife. If you
have not read the Brief Treatise On Creation please go read that first and then return to this discussion. After you
read it, come back here. Basically, at the beginning of creation, when someone died, they were drawn back into
The Mother, to be held until the final days until The Day of Reckoning. At some point in the future, The Mother
would stop making new people with new souls and bring back to life all the people who had died. Each one would be judge ask
to if they had lived their gift of life in a worth fashion or not. Those who had not would simple stop existing. Those who
had would be with The Mother, as Her children, forever. She would heal the creation and let them live in it, with Her, in
peace. She would take bodily form and walk among them. You may ask why She allowed the world to be as it is.
Why allow people to live, die and suffer? This was so they could prove their worth. If The World started out perfect and beautiful,
then it would be easy for anyone to live a good and worthy life. It is in the suffering and struggles of life that worth is
proven. When She drew the taint of Lister and his folk into Herself. This taint was so strong that it ripped
Her womb. No longer could She create new souls. She knew that She could bring the Day of Reckoning right then, and judge all
souls, but She would not be strong enough to heal the Creation and to recreate them as perfect and undying beings. She could
still manage to create new mortal forms for old souls to go in though. If She did nothing, the people would all
die eventually, with no new births taking place. She did not know when and if She would ever heal enough to be able to create
souls, or heal the lands fully. The lands might lay empty for century upon century. She could not bear the thought. The
Mother decided that all of the souls, living and not, would be reborn upon their death. This would give them each multiple
life times to prove their worth, and provide Her a world that was not dead and silent. Someday, when She heals, the Day of
Reckoning will come. This means that the population of The World does not fluctuate. As new infants arrive, other
must die to make room. Wars, disease and famine all play their part to keep things in balance. The Mother does not see this
as cruel, since the dead will be born again. The people of Get see things differently. They believe that anyone
who serves The Father and proves himself to be His true servant will go to be with The Father upon his deaths. He exists in
a wholly other realm. His realm is a beautiful, endless palace with any possible pleasure for the faithful. Those who are
against Him and die outside His will, go to be slaves to the faithful forever, serving in the afterlife, as they should in
this life. They believe that when all the true faithful have been harvested, The World will be destroyed with
fire. When The World belongs to them, and all the unfaithful are dead, then the time will be fulfilled and they will all be
swept up to be with The Father, before He destroys The World. They also believe that Lister was evil, because
he strove to be like The Father. They believe he was simply an evil magician. All gods and goddesses were mere mortal, historical
men and women who faithfully served The Father, until their followers distorted their teachings. The Gobyns believe
that if they die in battle or through exposure to the elements, that they will walk as spirits across mystical mountains in
a sacred land. They may be able to see their descendants, since the mystical mountains are overlaid over the real ones, but
they will not be able to touch this world in a physical way. Still, they will be able to give guidance to their children and
their children's' children.
The tribal groups of Emdoor believe in a sacred hunt that any faithful hunter, or hunted, human or beast, will be
a part of forever after death. There is a fuller discussion of this belief in the section on Emdoor.